Let’s talk resources!  
I know when I first started this business, I had no clue where to find all of the resources they were using to learn about oils and the business, so I decided to make a list and break it down for you.  If you have a great resource that you are dying to share, please post it in the discussion section so everyone knows about it, and I can update this page!
Reference Field Guide
this Field Reference provides decades of research on essential oils with the original protocols on how to use them.   
Pregnancy, Babies, Kids
Learn how to apply essential oils, which ones are safe for infants and children, when to dilute the oils and when to go to the Dr.

Field Guide
covers all of Young Living’s® nutrition-based supplements. Each supplement showcases the ingredients and what those ingredients are known to support, so you can be sure if it is the right one for you. 

of EO's Made Simple
This solidly scientific book is anchored in scripture and easy to understand, it will give you an appreciation of both the scientific and spiritual bases of healing by prayer and anointing with oils. 

Desk Reference
A practical guide to the safe use of essential oils with animals written by a Holistic Veterinarian. Recipes and suggestions for common conditions affecting all species, including feline safety with essential oils.

Emotional Patterns
This book is a practical, step-by-step guide providing a natural remedy for emotional cleansing. It offers over 160 pages including charts, diagrams, and easy-to-follow instructions. NEW EDITION FOR 2020! 

There's an OIL for that!
This hilarious yet informative book will teach you natural hormone balancing, oils that increase libido, and oils that increase your man's performance. Includes oil recipestips, tricks, and fun in one easy to read book. 

Baby Book
They cover every topic that a mom could need during pregnancy and after bringing baby home. They provide fun blends and fantastic recipes for the many seasons of change that mommies are bound to go through.  

Essentials/Optimal Aging
Ideal for women who want to prepare for perimenopause, through the woman in late menopause. There is scientific backing that supports the use of aromatherapy essential oils + herbal medicine to provide aging relief. A culmination from all the research and protocols used with patients. 

Feelings Buried
Alive Never Die
 A comprehensive and enlightening resource for getting in touch with unresolved feelings which can distort not only happiness but also health and well-being. Helps to identify problem areas, process the feelings, replacing the negative feeling with a new, positive outlook. 

Recipes for Healthy Living
This beautiful DIY recipe book is designed to shorten the learning curve when using essential oils, as well as expanding your knowledge. Covering everything from supporting your immune system, body woes, skincare, household, children, pregnancy, to emotional uses

Releasing Past with EO's
Find out how a distorted view of self, unresolved hurts, and lingering fears can stunt your success. Learn to evaluate your emotional reactions, gain new perspective on your past, reject false perceptions, and develop healthier responses by building new pathways in the brain.  

of the Bible
Considered cure-alls by Biblical people, healing by prayer and anointment with oils as practiced by Jesus' disciples and early Christians is made practical for us today in this book. Based on both science and scripture. 

Oils of the Bible
A Look at God's Creation
Plants were widely used for holy ceremonies, perfumes, health + wellness, cooking, building materials and various other everyday needs. These plants were in essential oil form and were the foundation for modern day EO use.  

of CBD & Essential Oils
The outcomes of more than 14,000 raindrop session are summarized in this book. Besides statistical data, 74 brief written testimonials bring to light some of the benefits of Raindrop that cannot be expressed in numbers. This is the perfect resource for people considering Raindrop who want to have informed consent.

Validation of Raindrop
The outcomes of more than 14,000 raindrop session are summarized in this book. Besides statistical data, 74 brief written testimonials bring to light some of the benefits of Raindrop that cannot be expressed in numbers. This is the perfect resource for people considering Raindrop who want to have informed consent.

Integrative Medical Guide
D. Gary Young, ND, has made tremendous contributions to the rebirth of essential oils. One of the pioneers in researching, cultivating, and distilling essential oils, he has spent decades conducting clinical research on the ability of therapeutic essential oils to combat disease and improve health.  

The World Leader in EO's
Follow the epic life of the father of the modern-day essential oil movement, D. Gary Young, as written by Young Living CEO and wife Mary Young. This 2nd Edition has over 100 more pages chronicling Gary’s amazing journey and life, and the beautiful legacy and impact he leaves on the world of EO's. 

Of course, there are many great oily resources that are sure to help elevate your education, the ones listed above are just a few of my favorites. Be sure to check out these vendors below to explore other books and resources that might aid you on your health and wellness journey. If you are looking for a specific topic or need suggestions, please reach and out let us know. I am happy to point you in the right direction.
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