What are
Essential Oils?
Unless you've been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard your friend, family, neighbor or myself talking about essential oils. Maybe you read in a magazine that so-and-so celebrity uses oils or you've seen them added to just about every conventional cleaning product out there these days. Ads or social posts have likely shown up on your newsfeed. Heck, you may have seen them at your local Target. They’re kind of everywhere. So, what exactly ARE they?

Essential oils are just that - oils.

They’re the lifeblood of a plant, and when these plants are grown in the right conditions, harvested at the correct time, and distilled with the utmost care (you can read more about Young Living's Seed to Seal process here). They can aid in keeping our bodies healthy, well, and happy - which is how our bodies were intended to be. Essential oils are composed of teeny molecules.

These molecules are so small that they can pass through our tissues and directly into our cells.  Our systems are super effective and can transport these molecules all over our bodies within a matter of minutes.

Not all essential oils are created equal!

Not all oils are safe to use in the ways Young Living essential oils are. Those oils you find at the health store or co-op cannot be ingested the way YL Essential Oils can be.
Young Living is the ONLY company that grows its own plants from start to finish and owns its own farms, with the strictest standards around. 

Young Living Essential Oils can be applied directly to the skin - always remember to check your labels for dilution instructions. Some oils need to be diluted with a carrier oil (coconut oil, grape-seed oil, organic olive oil, V6 oil, etc.) while others can be applied directly on the skin with no dilution (referred to as “neat.”) Using oils on your feet is a quick and efficient way to get oils into your system. You can also wear essential oils as a perfume to lift your mood. 

Oils can also be inhaled directly from the bottle, or by using a diffuser.  This is actually the quickest way for your body to use the oils. And your house will smell amazing.

Lastly, because of Young Living’s Seed to Seal process, there are many oils that can be taken internally as a dietary supplement. You can add oils to your water, or even into a capsule. The Vitality line is clearly labeled for this use.  
I am crazy passionate about Young Living so, let me break it down for ya...

The vast majority of essential oils on the market today are only suitable for cosmetics and perfumes (and even then, I personally try to steer clear of using those products). The reason Young Living’s oils are so different is their unmatched commitment to producing a pure, unadulterated oil.

Young Living’s devotion to their Seed to Seal process means they’ve invested in their own farms, care for and nurture their own plants, trees, and shrubs, and finally distill, test, and bottle the oils that arrive on your doorstep.

I've seen this firsthand during multiple visits to their Mona, Utah farm (pictured here). Young Living's farms are open to the public so anyone can go visit a YL farm! You should absolutely DO IT. It will blow your mind!

If at any point in the production process, something doesn’t meet their standards, they get rid of it and start again. Because of this, our favorite oils sometimes go out of stock… and we extend both gratitude and grace because we love getting our oils from a company that doesn’t crank them out quickly in a lab to make a buck but waits on the plants to grow (no synthetics) until the batch is perfect. Young Living accepts nothing less.

No other essential oil company owns its own farms + distilleries. Repeat. NONE.

 Let me give you an example of how important it is for a company to know the right time of day to harvest the plant and exactly how long to distill the plant to produce the chemical compounds the plant contains that are helpful to our bodies.

CYPRESS ESSENTIAL OIL: which has 280 known chemical constituents.

  • If it is distilled for 20 hours, you only get 20 properties.
  • If distilled for 26 hours, you get NONE of the properties.
  • Most market cypress is distilled for 3.5 hours.
  • The correct length of time for distilling cypress is 24 hours to get the full 280 properties
If you want Cypress to do the job it is intended to do, you MUST get ALL 280 constituents, no more, no less. Most people do not realize essential oils have chemical properties in them and in order to get the full benefit out of that particular oil it has to be grown, harvested, and distilled the correct way or the oil contains no benefit to us.

This is what we call Young Living’s Seed to Seal® process. 
And it is unmatched. Every step from planting to bottling is detailed and controlled.

But Young Living is more expensive, right?

Oftentimes they are, and “you get what you pay for” has never been more accurate. Young Living is more expensive than other brands and oils you can find at Whole Foods, on Amazon, or even the Target dollar spot because of its Seed to Seal promise. An ever-growing number of marketers have jumped on the essential oil bandwagon looking for an easy way to make a lot of money. Most of these oils are cheap imitations, purchased wholesale in large quantities, diluted with synthetic additives, and rebottled before being sold to you.

That’s not okay for us. We want the best for our families, and we don’t want to “save money” short-term only to spend more long-term because we used something that didn’t do what it was supposed to or even harmed us. When we are working to be more intentional to remove chemicals and toxins from our homes, it doesn't make sense to then buy oils that could potentially contain harmful or synthetic ingredients, especially if you plan on using them on or around your children. No thank you.

Some of the other companies may claim that their oils are organic. Unfortunately, the term “organic” is not regulated by the FDA in regard to essential oils. They do not certify or grade essential oils so any oil you see making those claims is simply using the word. They did not have to do anything to earn it.

If you cannot walk onto your oil company's farms and watch them distill their oils at their very own distilleries, then don't use it. There’s a reason Young Living has been the world leader in essential oils for 25+ years and possesses better than organic standards! Yes!!!




Statements regarding Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products in this event are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care provider before using these products.