These Terms and Conditions are agreed upon between Brandi Bunda Designs (we or us) and you (Client).
In accordance with the Terms and Conditions set out below, we agree to provide the services you have requested through the website, https://www.brandibunda.com, or otherwise provided in a Quote. Our Terms and Conditions may be changed or updated by our company from time to time without prior notice. You agree and acknowledge that you have read and understood these terms, and you decide to be bound by them.

1. Terms and Conditions

a. The provided services of our company are subject to these Terms and Conditions, which (together with the Quote) sets out the entire understanding and agreement between us.

2. Fees and Costs

a. In exchange for my providing design services, you must settle all fees, charges, and costs set out in the Quote.
b. Services that are required and are not included in the original Quote, or if additional time is required for some elements of the service, material, or resources provided by me, including change requests or further services after approval of a deliverable, then I will advise you of the additional services and fees needed before we proceed with the required additional services. An updated Quote may be necessary for some situations.

3. Payment

a. Payment of services must be paid in accordance with the agreed Quote sent by my company to you.
b. For customized services, a requested Quote will then be provided followed by an Invoice if you decide to proceed.
c. My services will only start after payment has been settled. However, if I do start your requested work prior to receiving payment, this does not in any way prejudice my right to seek payment.

4. Timing

a. I do not guarantee any timing estimates and will not be in breach of our obligations if we fail to meet any such timelines, although I will use reasonable endeavors to deliver the services in accordance with the agreed timeframes.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

a. Accept and agree that all Intellectual Property Rights in all creation -files, artwork, videos, and other documents provided by me in relation to the services given to us upon creation.
b. Upon full payment of my fees, I will assign to you all Intellectual Property Rights in the project, except in relation to any of my Background IP. In such case, I have a perpetual, irrevocable license to use the relevant project Intellectual Property Rights unless agreed otherwise in writing. For the avoidance of doubt, Intellectual Property Rights that I have agreed to transfer to you do not include any licenses (such as image licenses) or other Intellectual Property Rights that I am not able to assign.
c. Each party maintains ownership of its Background IP and grants to the other party a non-exclusive, royalty-free license as follows:
c.1. for my company, to the level necessary for me to provide the service, exercise my rights covered in the provisions of these terms and conditions, and otherwise carry out my obligations under these terms and conditions, and
c.2. for you only for the purpose and scope of the project, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
d. If during the course of providing the service we develop, discover or first reduce to practice a concept, product, or process which is capable of being patented then the product, process, or concept shall remain my property which you must not use without first obtaining my written content.
e. I will, for your benefit with your request in writing procure consent from the owner of any moral rights in the project to the extent allowed by applicable laws.
f. I may purchase rights to images that I use in providing the services to you. Such images may be subject to a license agreement between me and a third party that may restrict your use of those images. Please ask me if you would like to be given a copy of the terms of any such license. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, I may at my discretion use images that have been used in providing the services to you, with other clients, or on other works. If you require specific images, you may be required to pay an additional fee(s) for that use. Even if I agree to provide an image to you exclusively, I cannot guarantee that the image will not be used by other third parties who may have obtained these images from another party (i.e. Canva, Splash, Pexels, iStock, etc...).
g. I reserve the right to display all designs that I create for you on my website as well as in my marketing materials.

6. Warranties and Liabilities

a. You warrant that all materials you provide, including your Background IP, will be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and may be used by us in accordance with the law without infringing upon the rights of others including but not limited to any copyright, trade secret patent or trade mark rights of any third party.
b. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any advice, representation, or warranty given by me in connection with the services that are not expressly stated in this document.
c. To the extent permitted by law, all warranties, conditions, and representations by me are excluded. If a term is implied by law in this document and the law prohibits provisions in a contract excluding or modifying liability under that term, then it will be included in this document. However, my liability for breach of such term will be limited, at my option, to one or more of the following:
c.2. the supply of the services again; or
c.3. the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
d. If you are not happy with my services, to the extent permitted by law I will not provide you with a refund, but supply you with the services again within reason, until you are satisfied with the services,
To the extent permitted by law, I will not be responsible or liable in any way (including for negligence) for any loss, damage, liability, or costs incurred or sustained by you or claims made against you, and you agree not to make any claim against me, due to or arising out of my provision of the services.
e. Without limitation, I will under no circumstances be liable for any indirect or consequential losses, including loss of profits, loss of revenue, and loss of business opportunity.
f. You indemnify and hold me harmless in respect of any and all claims, loss, or damage of any kind whatsoever (including legal costs and disbursements on a full indemnity basis), arising directly or indirectly out of:
f.1. any act done by me in good faith and purportedly pursuant to a right granted to us under the provisions of this document
f.2. any infringement by you of third-party Intellectual Property Rights, and/or
f.3. any breach by you of any of the terms of this document.
g. I do not guarantee that my services will provide any specific results. In particular, and without limiting the foregoing, I make no guarantees, warranties, or representations as to sales or revenue that may be achieved or that you will receive any new or increased numbers or customers as a result of my services.

7. Confidentiality

a. .“Confidential Information” means all material or information of a confidential nature, received or acquired by my company or created either partly or in whole by my company during the course of this agreement, relating to the Services and products, including software products, or general business operations of my company and its customers. Such information or material may include, but is not limited to:
a.1. technical information: methods, processes, systems, techniques, products, services, computer programs, and research projects;
a.2. business information: customer lists, pricing data, sources of supply, financial data and marketing, production, business proposals, plans, production plans and schedules, and
a.3. creative development: concept development, names, titles, images, illustrations, logos, motion graphics, designs, computer data, and production of all media associated with any project
b. My Company agrees that you will treat all Confidential Information as being strictly confidential, and hold it in the strictest confidence, at all times during and after the termination of this agreement, and that this requirement is reasonable to protect the Confidential information of my company and its clients.
c. My company agrees not to disclose or cause or allow to be disclosed, Confidential Information to any person, except:
c.1. if required to do so by law, although my company must notify the client immediately upon becoming aware that it will be required to disclose any Confidential Information in accordance with the clause;
c.2. with my company’s express prior written consent,
c.3. to my company’s agents, employees, or advisers as a necessary part of the proper performance of our company’s duties and only to the extent necessary to properly carry out those duties.
d. My company agrees that I will not use the Confidential Information or cause or allow the Confidential Information to use:
d.1. for my own benefit or advantage.
d.2. for the benefit or advantage of any person except my company, or
d.3. to the detriment of my company or any related entities or my company’s customers.
e. My company must not make any copy or summary of any Confidential Information, except if required to do so in the course of the provision of the Services.
f. I acknowledge and agree that all Confidential Information is and will at all times remain the exclusive property of its customers, as the case may be.
g. I acknowledge and accept that my company may be required to enter into separate confidentiality agreements with customers of my company.
h. The obligations above do not apply to any Confidential Information which is in the public domain other than due to a breach of an obligation of confidence (whether or not under this agreement).

8. Satisfaction Guarantee

a. This means that I will provide you with reasonable changes to your design until you are completely satisfied with my work.
b. The design concept will follow information gathered from you completing the form located on my website.
c. I reserve the right to suspend services immediately at any time and without liability if you fail to perform your obligations under this document or if we no longer become an energetic match for business, including failing to make payments to me when due.

9. Non-Solicitation

a. You must not during the term of this document or for a period of 12 months following the completion of any project that I undertake for you:
a.1. induce or attempt to induce any of my clients to terminate their agreements or contracts with me.

10. General

a. All notices and consents required or permitted to be given under this document must be in writing and given by personal service, pre-paid postage, a facsimile transmission, or email transmission at the addresses of the parties set out in this document or to such other address as either party may designate to the other by written notice.
b. Neither this document nor any rights or obligations of this document may be assigned or otherwise transferred by either party without the prior written permission of the other.
c. If I do not act in relation to a breach by you of this document, this does not waive my right to act with respect to that or subsequent or similar breaches.
d. Nothing stated in this document constitutes you and us as partners, or creates the relationship of employer and employee, master and servant, or principal and agent between the parties. Neither party shall have the authority to make any statements, representations, or commitments of any kind, or to take any action which shall be binding on the other party, except as expressly provided in this document or authorized in writing.
e. If any provision of this document should be held to be invalid in any way or unenforceable, the remaining provisions must not in any way be affected or impaired. This document must be construed so as to most nearly give effect to the intent of the parties as it was originally executed.
f. These terms and conditions are governed by and to be interpreted according to the laws of the state of Oklahoma, United States of America. The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.

11. Definitions

a. Background IP means Intellectual Property Rights owned by either party immediately prior to the date of this agreement or developed independently of this agreement.
b. Intellectual Property Rights means all present and future rights conferred by statute, common law, or equity in or in relation to any copyright, know-how, trademarks (whether registered or not), business names (whether or not registered), domain names, inventions, discoveries, patents, patent applications, designs, circuit layouts, and all other intellectual property.
c. Moral Rights mean the right to attribution, the right against false attribution, and the right to the integrity of authorship.
d. Quote refers to any quotation, proposal, statement of work, or services description from us as appears on our Website in relation to the services you have purchased, or as provided by us to you from time to time.