4 WEEK CHALLENGE:  This podcast is super easy to listen to and understand. Kristin Boss equips you with ideas, helps to grow your mindset as well as your confidence in the process! She is anti-hustle and incredibly practical when it comes to growing intentionally and not burning out.  

1.) Download the "Purposeful social selling" Podcast

2.) Snag a notebook or start a new tab in the notes section of your phone.

3.) Be prepared to start Monday (whenever that is for YOU depending on when you are starting this challenge). This challenge is designed for you to listen to one episode every M, W, F with questions for you to reflect on!

4) Listen and answer the questions for each day!

Feel free to share your answers in challenge posts in Ripple Builders (optional). The challenge can be found in the GUIDE section of the group. 

listen to episode 1 and answer the questions below 

1.) Name one way “the dirty word” is destructive for your business. What’s one thing you can commit to doing ongoing to grow effectively?
2.) What’s one way you can attract LIFETIME customers? Make a list of 5 “lifetime customers” and build relationship equity with them, starting today!
3.) Have you experienced “the burnout cycle?” What are some simple things you can do to pivot and overcome?
4.) After listening to the tips and info in this episode.... apply that knowledge and craft your mission statement. Share with us! 

1.) Have you struggled in the past with the idea of "selling?" How does Kristen suggest we come to terms with that?
2.) Of all the things Kristen lists that we can do to make things weird, pick 2 that you identify with the most. How can you work through those things and show up more authentically?
3.) What belief do you hold about yourself, the other person or the product that has hindered you from showing up authentically and not weird in the past? 

1.) Of the 3 forms of self-sabotage explained, which one is your go-to?

2.) What is the trigger that causes you to slip into self-sabotage? Is it overwhelm, fear, fear of failure, negative self-talk. or something else?

3.) How can you flip that script in your head and speak truth to yourself? What is the truth that you are going to tell yourself when you notice you've been triggered?

4.) What are you doing to do differently?

listen to episode 4 and answer the questions below 

1.) After listening to this episode, what are some things you could shift (in your social media) to align more with your brand?
2.) List 2 takeaways from this episode that were "AHA" moments for you? 

1.) What are your 2 biggest “aha moments” when listening to this episode?

2.) How are you going to rewrite the script in your mind when resistance does show up? 

1.) What are your 2 biggest “aha moments” when listening to this episode?

2.) Which of the six C's to building resilience do you feel you need to work on the most? 

listen to episode 7 and answer the questions below 

1.) What are your 2 biggest “aha moments” when listening to this episode?

2.) How are you giving consistent value to the people below the waterline? 

1.) What is your biggest takeaway/aha moment from this episode?
2.) KB says "Someone who is marketing well comes from a place of deep empathy. They’re detached from the outcome. They’re trusting that when someone’s ready to buy, it’s going to be from a place of empowerment. We need to be those people." What do you feel like you can focus more on or how can you shift your thinking to do this? 

1.) What is your biggest takeaway/aha moment from this episode?
2.) Which of the shame-based goals do you identify with the most? 


listen to episode 10 and answer the questions below 

1.) What is your biggest takeaway/aha moment from this episode?
2.) what do you need to upgrade in order to show up as a “20k a month” (insert in your goal) earner? 

1.) What is your biggest takeaway/aha moment from this episode?
2.) it takes a lot of heart and grit to make money in this business. Your income is a product of your impact. how can you use your gifts and potential to the fullest to serve and make an impact? 

1.) What is your biggest takeaway/Aha moment from this episode?
2.) Do you identify with any of the feelings or actions behind "Hustle"? How can you better transition into "Hard Work?"