10 Ways Going Gluten-Free Changed My Life

Today marks a significant milestone; 10 years since I decided to remove gluten from my life (February 12, 2014). It was the first day I ever walked out of a doctor's office empowered and full of hope. What started as a 6-month elimination diet in an attempt to heal my gut and have a baby turned into a decade of my everyday existence, impacting not only what I put on my plate but also how I view and manage my family's health. Here are ten profound ways my life has transformed since I embarked on this gluten-free journey

What I Should Know About The 21-Day Progesterone Test

What I Should Know About The 21-Day Progesterone Test

During the first year of us trying to conceive, I experienced a miscarriage back in 2012…such a sad day. My doctor at the time had no real explanation of why this happened but suspected that my progesterone levels might have been too low. She recommended that I come in the following month to have my levels checked. So I did.