From Synthetic Scents to Clean Fragrance: My 11-Year Journey

 Before I knew better, I loved fragrance. My all-time favorite scent was Angel by Thierry Mugler—that rich, warm, intoxicating scent that felt like a signature part of me. I had a full collection of perfumes, scented lotions, candles, and room sprays. If there was a Buy 3, Get 3 Free or semi-annual sale, you better believe I was there, stocking up (if you know, you know).

Fragrance was comforting, nostalgic, and, at the time, something I never imagined giving up. But life has a way of leading us where we need to go, even if it means unraveling habits we once clung to.

Understanding Rh Incompatibility and Fertility

While I personally didn’t experience this situation first-hand, today’s blog post is inspired by a friend who is walking through this right now. So, we are going to dive deeper into this topic to help give you a better understanding of how Rh incompatibility can affect fertility...

At one time, it posed a serious medical problem for the baby. Today, Rh incompatibility rarely is serious or life-threatening, thanks to early diagnosis and treatment during pregnancy.  

Can Tracking Ovulation Help You Get Pregnant?

Can Tracking Ovulation Help You Get Pregnant?

If you're a go-with-the-flow kind of gal, eating right, staying well-rested, reducing stress and having sex on the regular then you have a decent chance of getting pregnant within six months to a year, barring any underlying issues that might get in the way of conceiving.

But, if you’ve been struggling with infertility or want to optimize your chances of conception because you're eager to get pregnant as quickly as possible, you need to understand the ups and downs and ins and outs of your menstrual cycle.

The key is figuring out when you ovulate so you’ll know the best time to procreate!


What the Heck is Unexplained Infertility?

What the Heck is Unexplained Infertility?
When you're trying to get pregnant, sometimes, no explanation is the most frustrating explanation of all. As if fertility issues aren't hard enough to deal with when you actually understand what’s causing the problem. But if your infertility is unexplained—as is the case for 30% of infertile women or 50% of infertile men—not knowing what’s keeping you from getting pregnant can get pretty damn frustrating. That means approximately one in five couples will be diagnosed with unexplained infertility even after going through a complete fertility work-up.

How I Overcame Infertility: Part Five - An Answered Prayer

I continued my daily regimen that was recommended by Dr. Menzel and I went on to have a wonderful pregnancy and natural, medication-free childbirth. And funny enough, my daughter surprised us 2 weeks early and was born on INDEPENDENCE DAY. God sure does have a sweet way of working things out in the end, doesn’t he?

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