The 14-Day Reset is an ongoing, monthly program that is available FREE to all Young Living members. I was at my heaviest weight after having my 2nd baby in 2018. Over time, I was able to lose some of the excess weight but getting rid of those last 15-20 pounds was so dang hard for me. I hit a plateau and nothing that I tried worked. Then I saw the amazing results some of my friends were having by focusing on reversing inflammation in the body which ultimately led me to THE 14-DAY RESET!
I’ve learned a lot throughout my wellness + fertility journey and finding out what was lurking in my personal care and household products was a mind-blowing reality check. The United States Government does not make sure our beauty products are safe. It’s sad but true. It’s essentially up to each individual consumer to do their own research which can feel really overwhelming and confusing especially when you first start ditching + switching out your products for safer, less toxic alternatives.
During the first year of us trying to conceive, I experienced a miscarriage back in 2012…such a sad day. My doctor at the time had no real explanation of why this happened but suspected that my progesterone levels might have been too low. She recommended that I come in the following month to have my levels checked. So I did.
Read more...My dad is considered high risk. He is a three-time cancer survivor (lung cancer at that), only functions on 1 ⅓ lung, has atherosclerosis, and is in his mid 60’s. We are so grateful that his body responded to all the things we did which ultimately resulted in a full recovery.
Today is International Women’s Day and the theme for this year is “Choose to Challenge.” I’ve never really paid much attention to this day in the past but for some reason, I feel compelled to sit down and write about what today means to me since this past year has brought about a variety of challenges.