How I Overcame Infertility: Part Four - The Transformation

In January 2014, I attended an all-day seminar with my dad called, the 48 Day Transformation and it was hosted by Dr. Menzel, the Naturopath I had an appointment with the following month. The seminar was centered around the 7 teachings in her book, The Transformation: 48 days to Eating + Living Naturally for Life, which I highly recommend. It was such a wonderful event, and I was happy to share that day with my dad learning how we can build a stronger foundation of health and be more mindful of our wellness goals.


How I Overcame Infertility: Part Three - The Potential Problem

During those last few years, my mind had shifted as I learned about integrative medicine, functional medical doctors, and other natural practitioners so I decided to seek out assistance from a Naturopath before moving forward with any fertility specialist. It was time I started seeing a doctor who took a more holistic approach to wellness.


How I Overcame Infertility: Part Two - The Struggle Continues

Why was this happening? What was wrong with me? I had friends that just looked at their spouse and it seemed like they would pop out a baby! Why the heck couldn't I get pregnant. I was searching for answers in the wrong places, until...


How I Overcame Infertility: Part 1 - The Journey Begins

It’s hard to explain the feeling you experience after suffering something so devastating. If you’ve ever gone through a miscarriage before, then you know exactly what I’m talking about and how I felt. I’m sure your feelings were similar....

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