There's no doubt that pivot can be a powerful force in our lives. Sometimes, a single pivot can be the catalyst for positive change that we've been seeking for years. Other times, it can completely upend our lives and send us in a completely new direction.
For me, the pivot came in the form of becoming a stay-at-home mom. This one change led to a complete rethinking of my role in our family and how I could best contribute. It also opened up the possibility of pursuing additional income streams that could help provide financially for our family while still being present at home with my kids.
In many ways, pivoting can be life-changing.
It has the power to open up new doors and create opportunities that we never would have thought possible. If you're feeling stuck or like you're in need of a change, don't be afraid to pivot. You just might find that it's exactly what you need to unleash your inner entrepreneur and create the life you've always wanted.
Over the last 8 years, I have basically fallen in love with the network marketing (social selling) model as I continuously learn about how to better exchange time for money, and the beauty of residual income while using and sharing products that our family can't be without.
I've happily been the oily lady helping people live a less toxic lifestyle which then morphed into coaching and mentoring others on their wellness journey. It's meant more to me than just having customers, it's been a tremendous blessing to be a part of a larger community of like-minded people doing life together that just happen to sniff some oils and are into holistic health.
Don't worry…
I will continue to be that person 🌱✌️❤️😉
But in January, I started going through a personal branding intensive that really helped me look at my business from a 3000 ft view and prompted me to analyze and ask myself a ton of entrepreneurial questions like….
- What are my financial, personal, and professional goals over the next year, 5 years, 20 years, and beyond?
- What have I tried, what has been working, and what hasn't?
- What brings me joy, what would I change, and what can I implement?
- What do I want to be known for and what kind of impact do I want to make?
- What resources can I create, what can I offer for free, and what can I monetize?
- How can I better serve my community, customers, and clients, and in what ways can I show up as my most genuine and authentic self???
Truth is…I never fully made it through that intensive so I dove in a 2nd time in July. Funny how things change in a matter of 6 months.
My desires had shifted.
As I sat down to reassess, I'd been feeling the nudge to offer my self-taught Canva design skills and services to empower other female entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life digitally.
Well, people have been asking for my help.
I've come to realize that I'm a true creative at heart and I enjoy learning about business, talking about business strategy, and exploring ways to diversify income using our knowledge, wisdom, and skillset with others.
Since making this pivot to elevate my brand and my business, it's been blessings upon blessings with so much expansion and transformation happening behind the scenes.
I've got my blinders on. I'm focused.
The countdown is on until I celebrate a milestone birthday. I'm determined to close out my 30s with much gratitude and grace and ready to enter my 40s with purpose and passion…
The moral of the story (and God bless you if you made it this far), is don't be fearful of the pivot. Believe in yourself, step out in faith… You are not for everyone, but you will be for someone.
Let's show up for that one.
Totally talking to myself here 💯
So I'm stepping out completely vulnerable yet confident and will be sharing more about my transition, behind-the-scenes, work I'm creating for clients, business, branding, and Canva design tips so be sure to follow along on this new entrepreneurial journey. You never know, maybe I can help YOU!