If you're a mompreneur like myself, you likely wear many hats and you're amazing at all of them. But there's one hat that you struggle with sometimes -- the perfectionist hat (ahem... talking to myself here). It's hard to turn off that critical voice in your head that's always telling you that you're not good enough, that things could be better, that you could be doing more, or that you're falling behind. But the fact is, you don't have to be perfect to be successful. In fact, being a recovering perfectionist can actually help you achieve greater success in both your personal and professional life.
1. Give Yourself a Break
The first step to being a recovering perfectionist is to give yourself a break. Literally. Being a perfectionist can be exhausting (holler if you hear me?) Take some time for yourself -- even if it's just 5 minutes -- to do something that you enjoy without any expectations or pressure attached to it. Maybe it's reading a book, taking a walk, or listening to music. The key here is to focus on enjoying the activity for its own sake, without worrying about whether or not you're doing it "right."
2. Set Boundaries
One of the main reasons why perfectionists struggle is because they try to do too much and then feel like they're falling short. A great way to combat this is to set boundaries -- both with yourself and with others. When it comes to setting boundaries with yourself, ask yourself what is really important and what can wait until later. Then, stick to those boundaries!
- For example, if you've decided that spending time with your family is more important than work, then don't let work encroach on that time. As for setting boundaries with others, sometimes people can take advantage of your willingness to help out or go above and beyond. That's why it's important to communicate your limits clearly and assertively. Remember, it's okay to say "no" sometimes! Lately, if it's not a full-body YES for me, then I politely decline. That's way more peaceful. Trust me.
3. Be Kind to Yourself
Recovering from perfectionism can be tough because it requires changing the way you think about yourself -- and that takes time! So in the meantime, be patient with yourself and cut yourself some slack. A great way to do this is by practicing self-compassion. This means being understanding and caring towards yourself when things don't go as planned instead of beating yourself up over it. One way to practice self-compassion is by speaking kindly to yourself, just as you would speak kindly to a friend in the same situation."
As perfectionists, we have a tendency to be our own worst critic, always believing that it (whatever it is) can be better (and I'm sure it can be), but we can create some pretty negative self-talk and feelings about ourselves and our performance if we are constantly striving for this perceived sense of perfection that honestly doesn't exist. Remember, perfection is subjective. What's perfect for me might not be perfect for you. So we must remind ourselves regularly to just do our best in the moment using what knowledge, tools, and skills we possess at that specific time.
Here's the deal, perfectionism is often seen as a positive trait -- after all, perfections strive for excellence, right? But in reality, being a perfectionist can be detrimental to both your personal and professional life. I am being super open and honest with my daughter about this topic because I already see so much of myself in her and my mother is much like this as well. So here's to breaking generational curses!
If you're struggling with perfectionism, know that you're not alone and there are things you can do to get better! Start by giving yourself a break, setting boundaries, and being kinder to yourself; soon enough, you'll be well on your way to success as a recovering perfectionist personally and professionally!
If you'd want to connect with a fellow recovering perfectionist who's navigating her way through life as a solo, mompreneur, then you can find me on the gram -- we can be friends!