You are more than just a mom. You have skills, knowledge, and experience that can be tapped into and used to become an entrepreneur. Don't let anyone tell you (including yourself) that being a stay-at-home mom means you have to give up your dreams of starting your own business or you shouldn't pursue something that sets your heart on fire. With a little creativity and hard work, you can make those dreams a reality! Maybe you've always had the entrepreneurial itch or recently parted ways from your corporate job...
There's no doubt that pivot can be a powerful force in our lives. Sometimes, a single pivot can be the catalyst for positive change that we've been seeking for years. Other times, it can completely upend our lives and send us in a completely new direction.
For me, the pivot came in the form of becoming a stay-at-home mom. This one change led to a complete rethinking of my role in our family and how I could best contribute. It also opened up the possibility of pursuing additional income streams that could...
Read more...If you're a mompreneur like myself, you likely wear many hats and you're amazing at all of them. But there's one hat that you struggle with sometimes -- the perfectionist hat (ahem... talking to myself here). It's hard to turn off that critical voice in your head that's always telling you that you're not good enough, that things could be better, that you could be doing more, or that you're falling behind. But the fact is, you don't have to be perfect to be successful. In fact, being a recovering perfectionist can actually help you...
Read more...A mama reached out to me about exemptions for the upcoming school year, so this very important topic bears repeating as the 2022-2023 school year is nearly upon us. In case you're unaware, in Oklahoma, we have 3 exemptions that are protected by law (personal/philosophical, religious, and medical) in regard to having immunizations. Whether your kids are “up-to-date” but you don’t want them to be given any more shots...
Read more...If you know me, you know I’m incredibly passionate about holistic health and the idea that what you put in your body and on your body matters. I’m living proof of this.
If you aren’t familiar with my story, I struggled with gut issues growing up for as long as I can remember, from my teenage years through my early 30s.... until I started learning ALL about the gut, what creates an imbalance, and various ways to support it. Literally, EVERYTHING stems from the gut, everything! Hopefully, after reading this post...